Fun facts and trivia from TCS Lidingöloppet 2022!

A four-year running party including hundreds of vaporised participants and several trips around the globe - TCS Lidingöloppet 2022 offered a lot of excitement for all who enjoy fun facts and trivia!

Fun facts and trivia from TCS Lidingöloppet 2022!

This year we ran for four years!
TCS Lidingöloppet is the largest cross-country race in the world, and the vastness of the race becomes clear when you add the total running time for all participants. Together, all participants in TCS Lidingöloppet 2022 ran for four years, three months and 16 days! If you add the times of all participants since the first TCS Lidingöloppet was arranged in 1965, the full running time is 205 years, 3 months, and 24 days!

The biggest race in the world - and a long race around it
TCS Lidingöloppet is however not just the largest cross-country race on the planet - it is also a race that circles the earth many times over! During this year's race, the participants ran a total of 226 662 kilometres - equivalent to 8.66 laps around the equator (which is approximately 4,000 miles). Since the first race, all TCS Lidingöloppet participants have together run 19 557 560 kilometres, which corresponds to 488.93 laps around the globe (and 25 trips to the moon and back)!

Runners lost - this year and through all times
During the race weekend, a lot of fluid is lost through transpiration. In fact, the average runner loses approximately 8 hg of body weight each kilometre. This means that the full body weight corresponding to 437 runners was lost through sweating during TCS Lidingöloppet 2022. Over the past 58 years, the weight corresponding to 24,835 runners has literally gone up in smoke.

Thousands of litres of liquid
To compensate for all this transpiration, a lot of liquid is consumed during TCS Lidingöloppet. During this year's event for example, participants drank 2000 litres of water, 12000 litres of sports drinks, 5000 cups of coffee (750 litres), 1152 litres of cola and 1,000 litres of fruit drink!

Various energy products are also consumed at the liquid stations and at the finish line. In addition to dextrose and bread, 13 532 bananas, 48600 cinnamon buns and 318 kilos of pickles were distributed!

TCS Lidingöloppet thanks all participants for every second and every meter they have shared with us during this year's event! We also celebrate the 2000 race officials who made this year's event possible through their 15276 hours of work! Through TCS Lidingöloppet, these race officials - who represent over 20 sports associations - can continue to make Sweden healthier!

All statistics and trivia from this year's event >

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