In 1981, Lidingöloppet introduced the concept of "blocks" for different work areas and the eight individuals responsible for these areas, along with other functions, became part of the race management. In 1996, Ulric Carlsson became responsible for the entire block taking care of the premises as well as having a shared responsibility for cleaning. In 1997, Lidingöloppet developed an environmental policy, "The green race on the green island." A recycling station was established at Grönsta and 10 Lidingöloppet officials received education in Säfsen. Lidingöloppet was the first among the Classic events to initiate such an effort.
Over the years, the development of cleaning has continually improved, and from 2012, there was a restart with the introduction of an Eco-labeled Event, which had new criteria, guidelines, and support for Lidingöloppet. The person who has contributed significantly to this development is Ulric Carlsson, who has been involved for almost 30 years.