Running should be fun; you never regret a run!

Mattias Ahlberg is a long-distance runner who loves the freedom, the experience of nature and says you never regret a run. He combines his passion for running with his work at Region Dalarna and his role as county chairman of the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation. Every week he runs between 5 km and 80 km and has completed 10 TCS Lidingö races, one marathon, and several ultramarathons. What is the secret behind his 30+ years of dedication to running? And what are his best tips for preparing for a race?

Running should be fun; you never regret a run!

How do you prepare for a race?

- If it's 10 km or less, I train speed beforehand, and I warm up more thoroughly. If it's a marathon or ultramarathon, it's more important to have long, slow sessions. If it's hilly, you should train up and down running. You should also get your body used to the nutritional intake while running. Mix it up with shorter, slightly faster sessions, it's good to vary.

Many people say that they have not had enough time to train for a race due to a stressful life, do you have any good tips on how to get running into everyday life?

- If you have the opportunity to run to and/or from school or work, it is good. I have 22 km to work. When I'm training for a longer race, I try to run to or from work from time to time. Take advantage of any opportunity to go for a run! Take advantage of friskvårdstimme or add half an hour to your lunch. A faster and slightly shorter workout is a good idea. Join a running group! You'll get good training quality and you'll train different things than you do when you're alone. You'll also get good tips and ideas from more experienced runners.

What is your best tip for a runner who is going to run Lidingöloppet for the first time?

- In addition to having trained enough, ie several sessions over 15 km preferably something over 20 km, and some extra hill training, so be there in good time. Travel by public transport! It works well with free buses from Ropsten. Once on-site, it takes time to know where to go, get a number tag, get something to eat and drink, and leave your pack and cover clothes in a locker. Take it a little easier in the first half of the race, enjoy the surroundings and the crowd. If you notice that there is strength, push harder after 20 km. Drink and get energy. Be careful with sports drinks in the beginning, especially if you are unfamiliar (feel free to test before), the stomach can in the worst case say no. Feel free to bring your own energy snack, nuts, dextrosol, etc. whatever you are used to. Do not exaggerate the importance of shoes, they do not have to be the most expensive ones. The most important thing is that they fit comfortably and that you do not get blisters. It is also possible to buy second-hand training clothes, the range today is huge.

What do you think is the best thing about running?

- The freedom and simplicity! You can run almost anytime and anywhere. Running is a great way to get out into nature and experience it up close. Running should be fun! Don't run if you are a bit sick or don't feel like it. But you will NEVER regret a run! If you can't run, walk a bit. Take it easy at the beginning and you'll avoid injuries better. AND sign up for a race, why not one of the races during Lidingöloppshelgen!

Finally, what is your best running memory?

-I have to say two, one was when I ran the southern Kungsleden trail through Drevfjället nature reserve, it was awesome in terms of nature. Right through a large ancient primeval forest area with hundred-year-old pines stretching for kilometers. And in Norway near the Swedish Skäckerfjällen, when I was taking a shortcut between two trails (ran unled) in a beautiful mountain forest I ended up in the middle of a reindeer herd that did not notice me when I stopped to rest a little. They ran around me just a few meters away. Their sound reminded me of the roaring of wildebeest.

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