Löparbussen (The Runner Bus)

Travel in an environmentally friendly and safe way to TCS Lidingöloppet and Rosa Bandet-loppet (The Pink Ribbon Race)! Lidingöloppet and Löparbussen (The Runner Bus) enhance the overall experience during the running party through bus transports to and from the races.

Löparbussen (The Runner Bus)

Lidingöloppet and Löparbussen now offer environmentally friendly and safe bus transports to and from the TCS Lidingöloppet Weekend - from many locations in Central Sweden directly to Lidingö. The service is meant to strengthen the race's sustainability profile and enhance the comfort for participants.

“Lidingöloppet always strives to offer sustainable and safe transports to and from the race, and to maintain a high service offering for our participants. Löparbussen's concept is thus completely in line with our goal, and we recommend our participants to use Löparbussen to and from Lidingö. It also reduces the number of cars during the event and thus offers a better traffic situation."

Sara Berg, project manager Lidingöloppet.

"We have used an approach which offers convenience in combination with simplicity and good service, which makes us an easy choice for the larger running competitions - this time to TCS Lidingöloppet."

Johan Larson, founder of Löparbussen

More information about TCS Lidingöloppet can be found at: www.tcslidingoloppet.se
Book your seat on Löparbussen via: www.loparbussen.se


tcs TATA Consultancy Services