Do a re-seeding

Do a re-seeding. We automatically seed you from Lidingöloppet, Rosa Bandet-loppet and @Hemma from the last three years.


Option 1:

  1. Log in to My Pages
  2. Click on My Entries
  3. Choose the race you want to seed your way to
  4. Click Qualifying merits
  5. Fill in the required information
  6. Submit new seeding data. You can do a maximum of 5 re-seedings.

Option 2:

  1. Open your email TCS Lidingöloppet - Thank you for your registration
  2. Click on the link under Here you can see your registration
  3. Then you will see your entry. Click on the link Click here for re-seeding
  4. Fill in the required information
  5. Submit new seeding data. You can do a maximum of 5 reseedings

Option 3:

  1. Open your email Management confirmation TCS Lidingöloppet
  2. Click on the link under the heading possible reseeding
  3. Fill in the required information
  4. Submit new seeding data. You can do a maximum of 5 re-seedings.

The seeding result may not be more than 3 years old.

tcs TATA Consultancy Services