Welcome Lina!

Lina Johansson is the latest addition to Lidingöloppet's office. She has thrown herself into the hot air during the most intense period in the last weeks before the race.

Why Lidingöloppet, Lina?

Welcome Lina!

"Sports association life has always shaped me. I have played sports and been a coach and instructor all my life, and Lidingöloppet felt perfect with its strong connection to the sports clubs on Lidingö."

Lina Johansson is 26 years old and has recently graduated in International marketing at Mälardalen University in the old hometown of Västerås. Now the moving load has gone to Lidingö.

Here, Lina has started as a marketing coordinator, with the main focus on social media, where she will communicate TCS Lidingöloppets messages to all those interested in running.

"I want to contribute to making the race attractive and give back to association life, which has been such a big part of my life. It's fun to have a job that you have an interest in!"

It is above all handball that meant a lot to Lina. She has played herself since the age of seven, and managed to be both a child and youth leader, coach and referee since then.

We welcome Lina to Lidingö and TCS Lidingöloppet!

tcs TATA Consultancy Services